Are canker worms dangerous to trees?
When canker worms are born, they’re hungry. They eat what’s around them, and that usually means the leaves they’ve lived on while in their eggs. If a canker worm infestation is big enough, it could completely defoliate a tree. Typically, even in these rare circumstances, that won’t kill the tree. The tree will grow it’s leaves back.That being said, if the defoliation is significant, your trees might be at risk of other issues. If your trees are working hard to replace their leaves, they might have a harder time fighting off other diseases or insect infestations. This becomes harder for a tree if it has to fight to rebuild itself season after season.
Of course, if your tree is already healthy (with lots of water and the right fertilizers) it will be better able to fight off the effects of defoliation and disease. If you want to give your tree additional help, be sure to add a tree band. Tree bands are the best way to prevent next Spring’s canker worm infestation.